Presenter Stephen Sackur travels to Ilulissat, inside the Arctic Circle on Greenland's west coast, to the northern hemisphere's fastest collapsing glacier. Approximately 30 of the world's environment & climate change ministers, who were gathered in the town for private talks, also viewed this dramatic spectacle. Sackur questions Connie Hedegaard, Denmark's Minister for Climate and Energy, on the deal she is brokering ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, December 2009.
To discuss the roles and responsibilities of the industrialised and developing worlds, Sackur goes on to interview Penny Wong, Australia's Minister for Climate Change and Shyam Saran, India's envoy on climate change.
Later, HARDtalk meets a chef who grows his own potatoes and vegetables inside the Arctic Circle adding welcome variations to the traditional dishes of muskox, reindeer and fish.
HARDtalk then travels by boat to a remote fjord to meet a team of geologists prospecting for gold. Global warming means that the exploration of oil, gas and minerals in Greenland is on the increase. As part of the third programme, Sackur talks to Greenland's new Prime Minister Kuupik Kleist on the challenges ahead.
Watch it online: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/hardtalk/default.stm
Programme times:
Tuesday 28 July at 03.30, repeated 08.30 14.30 20.30 22.30* GMT
Wednesday 29 July at 03.30, repeated 08.30 14.30 20.30 22.30* GMT
Thursday 30 July at 03.30, repeated 08.30 14.30 20.30 22.30* GMT
* Excluding South Asia, Middle East and Asia Pacific
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