"Making buildings more efficient represents one of the greatest, and most immediate opportunities we have to create jobs, save money, save energy and reduce carbon pollution," said Secretary Chu. "Our goal should be buildings that are 80 percent more efficient. Doing so will save families money and create millions of jobs in both countries."
Under the agreement, the United States and China will exchange experts and technicians to learn from each other's experiences with efficient building technologies, including: high-performance HVAC, insulation, lighting, cold storage, geothermal heat pumps, building-integrated photovoltaics and solar thermal systems.
The United States and China will jointly conduct analyses of lessons learned from international experience with energy-efficient buildings and communities. They will examine options for policy incentives or regulatory reform to encourage energy-efficient development in China.
The two nations will also explore the feasibility of a joint project in China to demonstrate green buildings, building energy savings and renewable energy technologies. The U.S. Government will provide support for MOHURD's ''eco-cities'' initiative, which aims to build integrated green cities that are sustainably designed, use renewable power and have efficient and modern transportation systems. The two nations will collaborate on the development of standards and guidelines for eco-cities.
In the United States, 75 percent of all electricity generated at power plants is used to operate buildings. China is expected to build the equivalent of the entire U.S. building stock in the next 15 years. Nearly half the new floor space built in the world every year is built in China.
Buildings use around 40 percent of energy globally and account for nearly half of greenhouse gas emissions. But at least 30 percent of emissions from the building sector could be eliminated at no net cost by simply upgrading old buildings and using modern equipment in new buildings.
With this announcement, the U.S. and China recognize that improving energy efficiency in buildings will benefit both nations, and that by working together they can accelerate the adoption of new clean energy technologies.
The memorandum of understanding (MOU) on energy-efficient buildings and communities was signed yesterday on behalf of the United States by David B. Sandalow, Assistant Secretary of Policy and International Affairs at the Department of Energy, and on behalf of China by Qiu Baoxing, Vice Minister of MOHURD.
Yeah I read the original story here: http://www.tcetoday.com/tcetoday/NewsDetail.aspx?nid=11923, but yours was easier on the eye!
There's an event happening next year all about this subject which I've signed up for. It might be of interest to your readers as well:
http://www.inoge-expo.com. There's a stream dedicated to facility management as well as reducing carbon emissions!
HVAC systems must be properly sized and maintained regularly to realize desired efficiency results. For example, according to US Dept of Energy website up to 30% energy savings can result from compressor energy alone if coils are cleaned vs not. In addition this may help with dust control, promote equipment longevity, and improved indoor air quality and comfort. Most manufacturers and US Dept of Energy suggest that you inspect and clean coils and other components as much as annually. To learn more you can visit:
MJ Palazzolo
Safety King Inc
An Energy Star Service Partner
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