The event will bring together state and federal policymakers, energy service providers and financial experts to address current issues in energy efficiency, demand response and advanced metering. Speakers are scheduled to address the present status and focus of federal and state policies and programs, the latest research in the field and the potential for increased investment in the sector.
The role of independent system operators, such as the NYISO, in facilitating demand-side management and renewable energy development is becoming increasingly evident. “Well-structured regional wholesale electricity markets operated independently allow far greater amounts of renewable energy and demand response resources to be integrated into the nation’s electric grid,” according to a February 26, 2007 letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from the American Wind Energy Association and 21 other organizations supporting renewable power and energy efficiency.
“Governor Eliot Spitzer is promoting a clean energy strategy that includes reducing electricity use by 15 percent from forecasted levels by the year 2015. The New York State Public Service Commission has initiated a proceeding to establish an Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard. The NYISO will play an integral role in assisting the Empire State to achieve its energy policy goals, and we are pleased to host this conference as part of that effort,” said Mark Lynch, NYISO President and CEO.
“The NYISO’s demand response programs are making important contributions in stabilizing the bulk electricity grid during peak demand periods. When heat waves pushed the demand for electricity to record levels in 2006, demand response provided nearly 16,500 megawatt-hours of load reduction – more than in any previous summer. This year, more than 2,500 end-use customers – accounting for more than 1,600 megawatts – are registered to participate in our demand response programs,” Mr. Lynch remarked.
Registration for the June 27 symposium is available on-line or visit the NYISO website (www.nyiso.com). There is no fee for the event, but those interested in attending must register by June 20.
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